To AIM SmartEQP Members from David Blaise

What is the Single Biggest Question You Have about Creating Awareness and Dominating Your Market?


I'm very close to finishing my new 12 Module Course on Total Market Domination.

It's been in the works for quite some time, and I'm planning on launching it on September 1st.

The course will be entirely focused on helping our clients to create Top of Mind Awareness and Dominate Their Markets.

HOWEVER, I need your help. Before I finalize all the lessons, I need to make sure I have everything covered.

That's where you come in. Please take a moment to answer this quick, one-question survey.

What is the Single Biggest Question you would need to have answered in a course on Total Market Domination?

Questions? Call 1-800-494-2721 or 610-685-9700

SmartEQPâ„¢ | Blaise Drake & Company, Inc. | 2669 Shillington Rd #422 | Sinking Spring, PA 19608