Here's How to Become Instantly More Competitive in Promotional Product Sales

Become Instantly More Competitive with these SmartEQP™ Advantages:

Dear Industry Professional,

During these unprecedented times, you need every advantage you can get. And the simple fact of the matter is that you can't compete in the promotional products industry today without:

  • 1

    EQP Buying Power

    How can you possibly compete if your competitors pay less for the same products than you do? SmartEQP™ gives you preferential pricing, including EQP Buying Power with many of the industry's top supplier lines.

  • 2

    Quality Connections

    Without more and better connections than your competitors, you're at a huge disadvantage. That's why SmartEQP™ instantly gives you the quality connections you need with top suppliers AND some of the brightest minds in the industry, so you can share ideas and plan strategies to help you dominate your market, while everyone else is too afraid to move.

  • 3

    Cutting-Edge Training

    Right now, many typical "product sellers" are dropping like flies. That's why, as a SmartEQP™ member, you'll lean the skills necessary to target better, sell more effectively, and position yourself as the go-to person in your market.

For these reasons and more, NOW is the perfect time to accelerate your growth, make more money and get the personal help you need right now as a member of the SmartEQP™ community.

  • +

    PLUS: Now You Also Get Exceptional Discounts on Freight!

    Save up to 50%. You can pass along some of the savings to your clients OR mark it up and make shipping an additional profit center in your business.

Our Strategic Relationships Will Also Help You to Become Instantly More Competitive

As a SmartEQP Member you'll get access to special pricing and/or EQP from many of the industry's top supplier lines. 90% of our supplier partners provide EQP or BETTER! The remaining 10% provide preferential pricing in the form of NQP, special discounts, free setup charges, and other benefits. You'll also get shipping discounts of up to 50% off!

In addition to all that, you'll get VIP access to the latest up-to-the-minute strategies and tactics via our exclusive Inner Circle Insights, Featured Video, Teleconference recordings and Advanced Multi-Media Training inside the Password-protected areas of our Inner Circle Membership site.

Become Instantly More Competitive with EQP Buying Power. SmartEQP Participating Suppliers Include:


Leverage Our Quality Connections

As a member of SmartEQP and the Inner Circle, you'll interact with other Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales trained industry professionals:

  • Online 24/7 via the Top Secrets Mastermind Email Group.
  • Offline at our Inner Circle Get-togethers at industry trade shows.
  • Online 24/7 via the Top Secrets Discussion Email Group.
  • Online 24/7 inside the Password-protected areas of the Inner Circle website.

Members of our Inner Circle have formed strategic alliances, joint ventures, even full-blown business partnerships. Need to get feedback from other industry professionals who have been there, done that? Click the link below to become a SmartEQP Member and get access to our Inner Circle.

Grow Sales & Profits With Our Cutting-Edge Training

Join us inside the password-protected areas of the Inner Circle website for exclusive, cutting-edge training you can't get anywhere else.

From our "Quick Hitters" trainings, which last just a few minutes, to full length training and resources on topics ranging from social media, to web marketing, to getting the clients you really want, be sure to tap into this valuable resource for the tips, tricks and ideas you need to move your business and sales career forward.

Our Inner Circle Training Area also offers "Inner Circle Insights." These quick, focused videos are shot “on the fly” and designed to provide you with brief, timely insights on important issues related to promotional products sales.

You'll also benefit from our Implementation Area, where you can ask and get answers to any questions you have about how to better implement the Top Secrets training materials. It gives you some of the benefits of one-on-one consulting at a tiny fraction of the cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I get EQP (End Quantity Pricing) with all participating suppliers as a SmartEQP Member?
A: Roughly 90% of participating suppliers provide EQP or end quantity pricing. The remaining 10% of participating suppliers provide some other type of preferential pricing. It could be next column pricing (NQP), a percentage discount, free setup, etc. All the specifics of what's available from each participating supplier are available in a private area of the website.

Q: How do I get my special pricing? Do I have to notify all of the participating suppliers that I am a SmartEQP Member?
A: No. AIM takes care of all of that for you. You can notify a participating supplier when you are placing an order. They will confirm your active AIM Mastermind Membership, and as long as you remain a member you will continue to receive your preferential pricing.

Q: Is this group affiliated with ASI or Sage?
A: While some organizations provide benefits to AIM Mastermind Members, neither ASI nor SAGE has any ownership in either AIM or the Top Secrets Inner Circle.

Q:What happens if I don't pay my suppliers on time?
A: Members who don't pay their suppliers on time don't remain members for very long. We take our relationship with our suppliers very seriously. If you can't or won't pay on time, please do not join this group.

Q:I already have EQP with several key vendors. What's the advantage to joining this group?
A: Establishing EQP and preferential pricing with multiple vendors is very time consuming. As a SmartEQP Member you get EQP Buying Power from many of the top industry supplier lines. We maintain those relationships for you so you can focus on other things. Your SmartEQP Membership also delivers quality connections you won't find anywhere else. You can network with hundreds of other Top Secrets of Promotional Products Sales trained Industry professionals in our online Mastermind Groups, Discussion Groups, at industry trade shows and inside the password protected areas of our Inner Circle Website. You also get access to exclusive, cutting-edge training not available anywhere else.

Q: How does membership in this group pay for itself? Do I have to generate a million or more in annual sales for it to make sense?
No. Members have access to exclusive coupon codes that routinely save them $40 or $50 on setup charges. That makes it easy to recoup your monthly investment quickly, then pocket huge savings with special discounts, EQP and NQP on nearly every order you place with participating suppliers.

Q: Can anyone in the industry join?
A: No. Unlike discount EQP clubs, membership in the SmartEQP program is strictly limited to serious industry professionals who are committed to investing in their own education and professional development. View the qualifications below.

Q:Do I continue to place orders with suppliers or do they have to go through you?
A: You can continue to place your orders directly with the suppliers.

Q: Does joining this group take away my identity as an independent distributor?
A: No. You maintain your own name, identity and independence.

Q: How long do I need to remain a member?
A: Membership is on a month-to-month basis, so you need to remain a member for as long as you would like to continue to receive member benefits. HOWEVER: Establishing relationships with these suppliers and updating member status is a time consuming process. For that reason, we ask that you do not join this group if you do not intend to remain a member for the foreseeable future. Membership is limited and by invitation only. Therefore we reserve the right to refuse membership or re-admittance to members who drop out.

Q: May I see a list of participating suppliers?
A: Yes. Your membership gives you access to many of the top supplier lines in the promotional products industry today. Scroll up to see a partial list above...

Q: How long does it take to start receiving special pricing from the time that I sign up?
A: It generally takes approximately one week for information from a new member to reach all participating suppliers. However, if you have just become a member and are ready to place a new order with a participating supplier, let them know that you have just joined, the supplier will confirm with AIM and you should receive the appropriate discount on your very next order.

Q: This sounds too good to be true. How are you able to get all these suppliers to provide us with special pricing?
Two words: Buying power. Members generate hundreds of millions in industry sales each year.

SmartEQP membership is limited to qualified distributors only. Click here for more details. +

Membership is open to experienced and qualified professional promotional products distributors.

  • Members should have a minimum of $350,000 in annual sales.
  • Members must keep your accounts up to date and provide us with accurate information.
  • Members are expected to pay Partners and Suppliers according to their terms.  Failure to do so may result in your distributorship being excluded from special pricing and/or termination of your membership.
  • Members agree to contribute to and participate in online polls, surveys, and forums when asked.
  • Members may rate and review suppliers in our online directory.
  • Members agree not to share discounts and access with others outside the group.  Members agree not to take screen shots of any information inside our login member area to share with suppliers or non-members.
  • Members agree not to forward partner lists to anyone outside their company.
  • Members are expected to utilize, promote and support our preferred vendors first whenever possible.  Our preferred vendors cover a wide variety of products and should be the first look for your resource.

Here's What You Get

  • Get Preferential Pricing from Many of the Top Suppliers in Our Industry – You’ll get EQP and better with most suppliers, plus exclusive specials, discounted setup charges, and other benefits normally reserved for only the top-tier players in our industry! Your savings from just one order could pay for your entire membership.
  • Establish Lifelong Relationships with Other IC Members – Everything from idea sharing to strategic joint ventures to full-blown partnerships happen among members of our Inner Circle.
  • Meet Up at Exclusive Inner-Circle and AIM Mastermind Group Get-Togethers – Join your fellow Inner Circle members for fun, recreation and brainstorming at various industry trade shows and events.
  • Gain Access to Inner Circle Insights – Quick, up to the minute videos providing specific, easy-to-implement ideas and recommendations.
  • Benefit from Featured IC Trainings – Exclusive, detailed video training which covers important, cutting-edge strategies and tactics to give our members a competitive advantage.
  • Tap Into the Inner Circle Knowledgebase – Have a question on any industry-related topic? Inner Circle Member get password-protected access to our archive of more than 175,000 Mastermind and Discussion Group opinions, answers and topics in an easy-to-use, easy-to-search format.
  • Interact with Your Fellow Inner Circle Members 24/7/365 – Join David Blaise and your fellow Inner Circle members any time, at your convenience, via our exclusive Mastermind Email Discussion Group to ask your questions, get feedback and learn what’s working (and what’s not) right now.
  • Access Cutting-Edge Ideas and Growth Strategies Whenever You Need Them – Get access to complete digital recordings of Inner Circle Teleconferences, so you can listen at home, in your car, on your computer or whenever you want with your iPod or portable MP3 player.
  • Read or Skim These Tips, Tricks and Strategies at Your Convenience – In addition to the audio recordings, you’ll also get a digital transcript of our Inner Circle Teleconferences, so you won’t miss a word. Read or skim the contents at your convenience.
  • Plug Into Top Secrets Podcasts – Bite-sized audio recordings, excerpts and “rants” that David has created to train and motivate.
  • Hear Exclusive Industry Interviews – Listen to timely interviews that David Blaise has conducted with other industry insiders and people of interest.
  • Get Inside the Exclusive, Password-Protected Inner Circle Website – Access Members-Only Multi-Media Training Presentations and more inside the Inner Circle Membership site.
  • Connect with the Exclusive AIM Membership Site – Access is open only to Inner Circle and AIM Mastermind distributors. This site provides members with supplier information, details on pricing, supplier safety protocols, social media links, and much more.
  • Relax and Enjoy Super Fast Discounted Art Services – Take advantage of great discounts on vector art conversions, with same day turnaround in many cases. Our suppliers understand the industry and suggest alternative layouts when needed.
  • …and much more more

Here's What it Will Do For You

  • Make you smarter with cutting-edge training.
  • Make you more connected with focused, like-minded, motivated industry professionals.
  • Make you more competitive with EQP Buying Power from many of the top industry supplier lines.

Here's What to Do Next

  • Click the Get Instant Access button below.
  • Enter Your Information in the Fields.
  • Get Started as a SmartEQP Member and start to make more money -- even on sales you're already making!

Join Right Now and Save on Your Monthly Membership!
For complete details, click the link below...

Questions? Call 1-800-494-2721 or 610-685-9700

SmartEQP™ | Blaise Drake & Company, Inc. | 2669 Shillington Rd #422 | Sinking Spring, PA 19608