Your Submission has Been Received

We'll be in touch shortly with financing options designed to suit your business.

Thank you for contacting us to express interest in order financing...

First off, let me tell you that you are not alone.

This is something that quite a few of our members have expressed interest in over the years... and it's always best to get this set up BEFORE you have a client's desperate, time-sensitive order "on hold" with a supplier.

To help make sure AIM members are never in this position, we have established a relationship with a company that has extensive experience meeting the capital needs of promo distributors, so they completely understand the ins and outs of our industry.

 Naturally, you are under no obligation to use their service, but if you anticipating needing access to cash in the form of loans, lines of credit and/or factoring options, I believe this will be a great resource for you.

If we can help in any other way, please be sure to let me know.

Thanks and best regards,

David Blaise

AIM SmartEQP: An Unrivaled Combination of...

Questions? Call 1-800-494-2721 or 610-685-9700

SmartEQP™ | Blaise Drake & Company, Inc. | 2669 Shillington Rd #422 | Sinking Spring, PA 19608